Shipwreck Island Visible from Lighthouse Beacon!

Hey penguins! Today while waddling around Club Penguin, I was at the Beacon. I decided to check the telescope, just for the fun of it. To my surprise, I saw the Beacon from Shipwreck Island glowing in the distance!

Pretty neat, isn’t it? Are you enjoying Rockhopper’s Quest? Share you thoughts in a comment.

~SnowT112, Author

About SnowT112

Hey penguins! I'm SnowT112, the co-owner of Penguin Incorporated. If you have any questions for me, be sure to leave a comment. I'm also on Club Penguin a lot, so if you see me make sure to say hi! ~SnowT112

Posted on February 25, 2012, in Party Cheats. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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